Regional Crop Update

Apr 03, 2024

Regional Crop Update

Sperry, Iowa
     The last few weeks have been cold and wet in southeast Iowa with a considerable amount of rain and temperatures dipping below freezing most nights. The cold has pushed back on any thoughts of an early spring, but if it warms up next week planters will be rolling on the lighter ground. The moisture is a much-needed relief to a dry soil profile but if it doesn’t start to dry in the next two weeks the conditions will be unfavorable for planting. With the mild and wet winter we experienced in southeast Iowa fields are turning green earlier with a lot of grasses and winter annuals coming in with a vengeance. Early burndowns are a hot topic due to the volume of weed pressure.

Cedar & Scott County, Iowa
     The previous few weeks have been colder and wetter than the weeks preceding them. Any additional moisture would still be welcomed as the area is still considered abnormally dry. Since January 1st we have accumulated roughly 140 GDUs while the 30-year average is around 65. This is leading to some winter annuals being ahead of schedule. Something to keep in mind when sprayers start rolling soon. Spring fertilizer applications are caught up which is different than the previous few years. Should bode well for starting burn down here in a couple weeks.

Jackson & Clinton County, Iowa
      The spring anhydrous season in Eastern Iowa got off to an early start over the past couple weeks but was abruptly halted by rain and a snowfall of which totaled more than predicted in some areas.  Last week was not conducive to much field work getting accomplished and with rain moving in over Easter weekend, the early part of this week does not look promising either.  Although weather has not been favorable to much of an early Spring, we will always welcome the moisture to help replenish the soil moisture levels lost during the drier than average growing season of 2023.  Looking ahead toward the later part of this week, temperatures will be on the rise. We could see wheels start to turn again once fields dry back out and become fit as farmers have started to ask about applying burndown applications to get ahead of the fields that have greened due to the unseasonably mild back half of winter.

Ryan, Iowa
     A few weeks of unseasonably warm weather early this spring has spring anhydrous at about 65-70% complete in the Ryan area.  Progress has slowed down over the past couple weeks as temperatures dropped and precipitation picked up.  However, the precipitation is much appreciated since Delaware County is still in the “Extreme Drought” and “Severe Drought” categories of the US Drought Monitor.
Annawan & Kasbeer, Illinois
     The law of averages appears to be playing out in our weather pattern over the course of the last few weeks. February brought well above average temperatures which are now being reeled back to near average and some below average temperatures throughout March. Despite this recent trend the region has accumulated about 155 GDUs from the turn of the calendar until now, April 1st. The first GDU of the year was recorded on February 1st. This has helped contribute to the green-up of yards, road ditches, winter wheat, and of course several winter annual weeds that can be seen popping up across fields. As you shift your focus to pre-plant spraying and planting keep in mind the federal crop insurance planting dates. The initial planting dates are as follows; April 10th for corn and the 15th for soybeans in Bureau, Henry, Lee, and Whiteside counties and April 5th for corn and the 10th for soybeans in Knox Stark and Marshall counties.

Galva & Camp Grove, Illinois
     The theme of this week’s update is cold and wet, which is quite a change from the warmer and drier than average winter we’ve experienced in Northern Illinois. The last two weeks have brought much-needed moisture, and cold temperatures that have kept seed firmly in the shed. Despite the dreary weather recently, spring ammonia and dry fertilizer applications are ahead of schedule. Winter annual weeds are looking very healthy for this time of year, so well-timed burndown applications will be critical to keep them from getting too big. As we look forward to planting, remember to keep an eye on the soil temperature. Soil temps have fluctuated nearly 10 degrees over the last month due to the unpredictable weather. If these conditions persist, early planting may cause undue stress to germinating seeds.

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Jul 01, 2024
As a corn and soybean farmer, you know that maximizing your yield and protecting your crops from diseases are crucial to your success. One of the most effective ways to safeguard your plants and ensure a bountiful harvest is through the use of fungicides. Among the top choices for corn and soybean growers are Delaro, Delaro Complete, and Veltyma fungicides. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of these powerful fungicides and how they can help you achieve healthier, more productive crops.
Jun 25, 2024
Cedar/Scott County, IA
Eastern Iowa has received 2 to 4 inches of rain over the last week. Between rain showers, growers and retailers have found time to near the end of soybean post-spraying and top dress urea. Corn is growing fast with plenty of heat and moisture. Diseases have started to show up as well and we have already seen gray leaf spot, rust, and tar spot. Y-drop applications have started and should continue in the next few weeks. Soybeans that haven’t been post-sprayed have weeds that are getting some size. Make sure to use herbicide rates that are high enough to prevent having to respond later.
Jun 10, 2024
Cedar/Scott County, IA
Over the last two weeks, our run of moisture has continued in Eastern Iowa. Corn postemergence applications are nearing the end as we approach the start of postemergence soybean applications. Corn topdress urea applications are in full force as the early planted corn approaches V8-V9. There have been quite a few fields of corn showing sulfur deficiency, but overall, our corn crop should be classified as good/excellent. There have been pockets here and there of hail damage where growers did need to replant. Looking at the extended forecast, we should expect some excellent growing conditions for our corn and soybeans in the coming weeks.