River Valley Cooperative News

Boost Your Corn and Soybean Yields with Fungicide

Jul 01, 2024 | River Valley
As a corn and soybean farmer, you know that maximizing your yield and protecting your crops from diseases are crucial to your success. One of the most effective ways to safeguard your plants and ensure a bountiful harvest is through the use of fungicides. Among the top choices fo...

Regional Crop Update 6/25

Jun 25, 2024 | River Valley
Cedar/Scott County, IA Eastern Iowa has received 2 to 4 inches of rain over the last week. Between rain showers, growers and retailers have found time to near the end of soybean post-spraying and top dress urea. Corn is growing fast with plenty of heat and moisture. Diseases hav...

Regional Crop Update 6/10

Jun 10, 2024 | River Valley
Cedar/Scott County, IA Over the last two weeks, our run of moisture has continued in Eastern Iowa. Corn postemergence applications are nearing the end as we approach the start of postemergence soybean applications. Corn topdress urea applications are in full force as the early p...

Unlocking Crop Potential with Take Off LS

Jun 05, 2024 | River Valley
In the dynamic world of agriculture, maximizing crop yields while maintaining soil health and minimizing environmental impact is a constant challenge. Take Off LS, a plant growth regulator, has emerged as a powerful ally for corn and soybean farmers. This innovative product promo...

Regional Crop Update 5/28

May 28, 2024 | River Valley
Cedar/Scott County With 99% of planting completed post herbicide applications have started. While the wet weather has held sprayers off for the time being, it looks like we will get a window in the next week to make most of those applications. Corn has been growing rapidly as we...

Regional Crop Update 5/13

May 13, 2024 | River Valley
Cedar/Scott County, Iowa Eastern Iowa has been able to get the majority of the crop in the ground in between rain showers. Planting progress is sitting roughly 90% on corn and 60%-70% on soybeans. Early planted corn emerged in 7-10 days thanks to warm temps and ample moisture. O...

Regional Crop Update 4/29

Apr 29, 2024 | River Valley
Cedar/Scott County, Iowa Eastern Iowa had busy week of planting and herbicide application last week. Estimating about 40% of corn and 20% of soybeans were planted in the last seven days. Over the weekend the area received anywhere from 1-1.5” of rain which should help ac...

Regional Crop Update 4/15

Apr 15, 2024 | River Valley
4/15/2024 Cedar/Scott County, Iowa Temperatures have come back to the mean after March, which was ahead of schedule. We haven't had a day in April that has been more than 10⁰F above normal. We have received some much-needed moisture in the last couple of weeks. Soil tem...

Regional Crop Update

Apr 03, 2024 | River Valley
4/1/24 Regional Crop Update Sperry, Iowa      The last few weeks have been cold and wet in southeast Iowa with a considerable amount of rain and temperatures dipping below freezing most nights. The cold has pushed back on any thoughts of an early spring, but i...

Propane Readiness For Winter Weather

Jan 16, 2024 | River Valley
  River Valley Cooperative’s priority is to keep our customers safe and comfortable. With the current stretch of winter weather and cold temperatures, we understand that you may be worried, but our energy department is closely monitoring tanks.  
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