Nominations for RVC Board of Directors
Jul 13, 2023
Every year, River Valley Cooperative asks its over 3,000 farm business owners to vote for representation in our boardroom.
Nine of our member-owners serve on your River Valley Cooperative board, representing the rest of the owners. Iowa board members include Brent Daufeldt, Neal Keppy, Nick Novak, Matt Parrott, and Joe Sperfslage. Illinois board members are Brian Corkill, Randy Haars, Doug Nelson, and Ken Nelson.
Three board seats are up yearly for election to a three-year term. This year, seats served by Ken Nelson (Chairman), Neal Keppy (Vice Chairman), and Doug Nelson are up for election. All have expressed a desire to serve another term if elected.
In the coming weeks, we will assemble a nominating committee of four Class A members to identify additional potential candidates for these seats. If you are a Class A member of River Valley Cooperative and would like to consider being a candidate for the River Valley Cooperative board, please contact Tim Burress at 563-285-1721 by September 1, 2023.
Nine of our member-owners serve on your River Valley Cooperative board, representing the rest of the owners. Iowa board members include Brent Daufeldt, Neal Keppy, Nick Novak, Matt Parrott, and Joe Sperfslage. Illinois board members are Brian Corkill, Randy Haars, Doug Nelson, and Ken Nelson.
Three board seats are up yearly for election to a three-year term. This year, seats served by Ken Nelson (Chairman), Neal Keppy (Vice Chairman), and Doug Nelson are up for election. All have expressed a desire to serve another term if elected.
In the coming weeks, we will assemble a nominating committee of four Class A members to identify additional potential candidates for these seats. If you are a Class A member of River Valley Cooperative and would like to consider being a candidate for the River Valley Cooperative board, please contact Tim Burress at 563-285-1721 by September 1, 2023.