Friday in the Field - July 7
Jul 07, 2023
The time has come when most farmers have finished up with post applications. With the recent presence of moisture in the fields, there will be an elevated risk of infection from fungi. The corn crops are around 8-12 days away from pushing a tassel so growers will want to start thinking about applying a fungicide. Matt VanSloten, Decision Ag Specialist at River Valley Cooperatives, was out in the field today to help walk through what could be happening soon with the crops.
Matt shares that farmers will want to start applying fungicides around three days before tassel. With the application of fungicide, Matt recommends that it is also applied along with Take Off LS. Take Off LS is a micronutrient fertilizer that will help push the crops along.
Matt shares that farmers will want to start applying fungicides around three days before tassel. With the application of fungicide, Matt recommends that it is also applied along with Take Off LS. Take Off LS is a micronutrient fertilizer that will help push the crops along.