Exploring the Energy Market

Mar 27, 2023

The energy market is continuing its volatility as we enter 2023. There are no longer days when energy markets would be somewhat predictable with moderate changes. It is not uncommon to see over ten cent changes daily in diesel fuels.
 Managing energy risks is more important than ever to the coop and our customers. Customers should take advantage of forward contracting options to limit risk and lock in acceptable margins. Additionally, our AFD (Automatic Fuel Delivery) program enables average daily pricing based on monthly consumption, which minimizes pricing risk and volatility. 
Long-term crude and diesel forecasts released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) have indicated a softening in crude and diesel pricing. However, as we have experienced over the last couple of years, we are only a significant event away from continued volatility.  The most recent significant event was the unforeseen banking collapses which drove crude prices to levels not seen since December 2021. 
The EIA has noted that global inventories will increase due to the production of liquid fuels to an average of 102.8M barrels per day in 2024 versus 100M barrels per day in 2022. Ongoing concerns related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, global economic conditions, and Chinese demand will provide uncertainty in the energy forecasts. The basic economic theory of increased supply and reduced demand equals lower prices will remain to be seen.

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Jul 01, 2024
As a corn and soybean farmer, you know that maximizing your yield and protecting your crops from diseases are crucial to your success. One of the most effective ways to safeguard your plants and ensure a bountiful harvest is through the use of fungicides. Among the top choices for corn and soybean growers are Delaro, Delaro Complete, and Veltyma fungicides. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of these powerful fungicides and how they can help you achieve healthier, more productive crops.
Jun 25, 2024
Cedar/Scott County, IA
Eastern Iowa has received 2 to 4 inches of rain over the last week. Between rain showers, growers and retailers have found time to near the end of soybean post-spraying and top dress urea. Corn is growing fast with plenty of heat and moisture. Diseases have started to show up as well and we have already seen gray leaf spot, rust, and tar spot. Y-drop applications have started and should continue in the next few weeks. Soybeans that haven’t been post-sprayed have weeds that are getting some size. Make sure to use herbicide rates that are high enough to prevent having to respond later.
Jun 10, 2024
Cedar/Scott County, IA
Over the last two weeks, our run of moisture has continued in Eastern Iowa. Corn postemergence applications are nearing the end as we approach the start of postemergence soybean applications. Corn topdress urea applications are in full force as the early planted corn approaches V8-V9. There have been quite a few fields of corn showing sulfur deficiency, but overall, our corn crop should be classified as good/excellent. There have been pockets here and there of hail damage where growers did need to replant. Looking at the extended forecast, we should expect some excellent growing conditions for our corn and soybeans in the coming weeks. 
Jun 05, 2024
In the dynamic world of agriculture, maximizing crop yields while maintaining soil health and minimizing environmental impact is a constant challenge. Take Off LS, a plant growth regulator, has emerged as a powerful ally for corn and soybean farmers. This innovative product promotes healthier, more robust plants that ultimately lead to increased productivity.
May 28, 2024
Cedar/Scott County
With 99% of planting completed post herbicide applications have started. While the wet weather has held sprayers off for the time being, it looks like we will get a window in the next week to make most of those applications. Corn has been growing rapidly as we are roughly 100 GDUs ahead of average since April 15th. Pre herbicides should be active with the rain we’ve received but don’t let the lack of weeds prevent you from making that post herbicide application. Continue scouting for early season disease pressure as we continue to have ideal conditions for disease growth.