Enhance Your Crop with BioPath 

Mar 29, 2023

Dustin Hoeft, Agronomy Business Manager 

River Valley Cooperative is excited to introduce BioPath, a new product offering in the nutrient enhancement category, this year. BioPath is a microbial inoculant containing bio actives of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 

Maximize ROI on fertilizer by driving more nutrients to the plant. The PGPR improves nutrient utilization, enhancing the conditions for root growth and plant vigor. 

The benefits of using BioPath in your operation include: 

• Nutrient use efficiency, solubilization, uptake, and utilization, of fertilizer and nutrients in the soil 

• Improves conditions for greater root mass and plant vigor 

• Optimizes yield potential and harvest quality 

In-season evaluations showed statistically significant increases in total uptake of phosphorous and micronutrients. Evaluations also showed a trend in increased total uptake of nitrogen, potassium, and secondary nutrients. 

How does BioPath work? The bioactives produce enzymes and organic acids that improve the solubilization of fertilizer into plant-available forms and release bound-up nutrients. More availability of nutrients can increase nutrient uptake, providing greater root mass and overall improve plant growth and vigor. As a result, yield potential and harvest quality are optimized. 

BioPath is a water-based formulation that can be easily mixed with liquid fertilizers and pesticides during pre-emerge applications. By increasing the amount of crop nutrient uptake from fertilizer already applied, BioPath allows growers to capture over an additional $6.00/acre of fertilizer investment, putting you in an excellent position to be more profitable going into harvest! OVERVIEW BioPath® is a microbial inoculan 

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